Monday, December 19, 2011

I spent some of the Christmas Gift Money from Bf on something I really wanted to get rid of. Yes, something that I really hated. D:< Its like really disturbing when you put on your makeup and you realise all of them standing tall on your nose. Grrr, irritating stuffs. 

It was raining the whole day today and we couldn't get out for movie, so we stayed home for drama shows while I tried some new products on the irritating stuffs. 

I've got this from Sasa yesterday and it was really great! 

Ta-da! Pore Care from Poretol. I got it at $16.90, it might sound a little expensive for something like 16g. But its quite worth it when you see the 'Made in Japan' sign at the back. 

I didn't check on the internet before I buy or read through any reviews. I just got the idea that I wanted to remove the blackheads and go into Sasa for something cheap, and found this. 
According to the instructions, you first have to clean your face and pat it dry. Then apply it ( feels warm and tingly) and then massage it for around 3 mins. After which you rinse off with water. 

It stated there that if you wanted a more effective effect, remove it with a pore pack or a scrub under their label. I chose the first option and: 

Ta-da! New porepack for me. (haha! you can't blame me cause the ones at home ran out.) 
It was on sale for $4.45 in Sasa. (as part of their dec offer) and comes in a box of 10. (Which can fairly last you 10 weeks if you are hard working enough to unclog your pores once a week.) Anyway, I chose the Aroma Collection- Romantic Rose. I kinda like all their limited edition, especially the other time where they had the Strawberry Parfait edition which smelled really delicious

Aroma Collection Pore Pack from Biore. 

And this is something which I really wanted! 
Meltie from Meltie Shop. I saw it at Sasa twice retailing at $26.90. ( A little expensive for a little tub like this.) It was really really cute like ice-cream! And best part it removes makeup once and for all like a makeup remover and facial cleanser. 

I really wanted it, but its still on my considering list. D: *boo*

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