Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's Day!

Went to the Japanese Restaurant near Dear's house. The food was good and it wasn't too expensive! The Chiwanmushi was great! :3 I keep taking it from bf.   

I ordered Curry Udon. Was a little too thick for me I guess, didn't finish the whole bowl of udon D: And the Miso Saba was REALLY GOOD. It was one of the recommended foods on the interest when Dear went online to check about the place. Our tofu turned soggy before we had the time to indulge into it.

And Dear's Unagi Don. It just looked like an egg covering the whole bowl of food. Anyway, this was the 2nd time we went there. The first time, the waitress forgot to inform us that one of the dish was out and made us waited for it to come. The 2nd time round, the waitress forgot to take down one of the dish, luckily we were too full to re-order it.