Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Little Date.

We met up with Takeshi outside Dear's house and took his taxi all the way out to the Japanese Restaurant. I think Dear is already hooked on his Yakiudon while I'm always asking for my Curry Udon. (Although this is the third time that we're there only.) Tak had Ungai Udon. It's been like a month plus since we last seen him. His hair was growing out of control. :P

I think this would enter my 'Favourite Food List' soon :3 You can choose it with Udon or Soba. 

Remember this ice-cream snack that we used to eat when we were young? I love the Chocolate version one but they only have the Grape and Strawberry & Pineapple flavour D: The price was still as friendly as it was when we were still young. 

Meh. I didn't get to focus on the cone instead cause Tak couldn't wait to eat his. :D The taste was really the same, it tasted like the same toothpaste sweet but still as fun as ever making 'ice-cream' on our own. I didn't get to make one cause the tube of cream was super hard and it didn't come out after several attempts. In the end my 'ice-cream' was made by the guys.

Korilakkuma Pink Border Plate

The super cute mug! :3 

We headed down to Plaza Sing for the movie 'Awakening'. Meanwhile we were there, we (intentionally) dropped by Seimon-Cho for the Rilakkuma Lucky Draw. As usual, I wasn't that lucky and didn't get the big prize. I got the smaller ones like the Plate & Mug Set and the Blanket. Although they weren't some big prizes, but they were something I know I could have a use for. (Am using the blanket at night to keep the flu bug out.)

Dear couldn't resist the temptation and went for another 2 rounds. (Which all the rounds were paid by him) He was pretty lucky and got the bedroom slippers (which I heard from the shopkeeper that they were HOT items) and another set of blanket. (Which is great, cause now I have the 2 designs! 8D)

Was shopping around Orchard Central and Dear saw his favourite tart shop while I was looking for stickers. The collection was very little as compared to months ago. There goes my stickers collection. :(
Although we didn't go much places, but I still love hanging out with my favourite boy! :D Love you, Baby! :3

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